I'm Emilio Jaman

My name is Emilio Jaman and i am 23 years old. I am a passionate, creative and studious young man who is involved in the filmmaking and photography industry. And for me, a challenge is always welcome, because in my opinion a challenge is that which makes your daily life just a little more interesting and gives it more meaning.

I studied audiovisual production at Natin and also completed it in 1 go, which would now mean that I am an AV Specialist at secondary level (according to Natin's website). In the beginning all this was just a hobby and it started with photography, 8 years ago. Back then i took a lot of nature photos e.g photos of andscapes, flowers, butterflies etc. Because that was in my comfort zone but for the past 4-5 years I have tried to get more out of my comfort zone. And going more out of my comfort zone is also how I got interested in filmmaking.

In my daily life i work in the communication department of the ministry of home affairs. In this department I act more as a cameraman and partly as a video editor & photographer. Working for a ministry is a step that not every young individual would want to take, I did this because I believe that through the ministry I can do more to and for my personal development. In my spare time I like to play a bit of beach volleyball, as relaxation so recreation volleyball. In a week you can find me 2 to 4 days on the volleyball court. But I also like to play a bit of football and to be creative with my camera, sometimes it's taking pictures, sometimes making short films. I love doing these activities because it helps with my personal development. I'm not the type who really likes to go out, you'd rather see me somewhere at a recreational place where I can relax from nature, but every now and then I can go for a drink because sometimes that’s really needed.

I’ve been in the photo & filmmaking industry for 8+ years and I’ve accomplished alot in this short period. In 2019 I’ve submitted an photo for an photo competition and won. My photo had then been exhibited at the unsdg event itself. But in these 8 years I’ve also worked with alot of people & companies; lustig events, Arthem consultancy, Sint vincentius ziekenhuis and Floyd installatie N.V. , just to name a few.

This year I joined NMA (Noble Marketing Agency), and my position within the company is General Manager but I am also the filmmaker, photographer & editor of the company. Having all these positions within the company, comes with a lot of responsibility but I enjoy every second of it. I enjoy it because the company has a vision and every one of us that is on board believes in the vision and we all work hard into making it work and reaching our goal. We as a group can definitely see the bigger picture and working towards making it a reality is our main goal. This is what makes the journey so special and that’s why i am also grateful that I’ve met this wonderful group of great individuals.

In my daily life there are 2 quotes that keep me going and these are:

Keep doing what you need to do, to do what you want to do. This, because we all have a life that we dream of and that’s why I think it’s important for me to keep on doing what I need to do so that, in the future, I can do what I want to do.

The second quote is:
Keep your eyes on the stars but your feet on the ground. This, because dreaming big & having good successful moments is one thing but keeping your feet on the ground and staying humble is another. Because in life you should always stay humble & try to express gratitude at all times because in a flick of a finger everything can change.
- Emilio Jaman