I'm Dwayne Hitzert

Besides my regular job I keep myself busy in daily life with video and photo productions (mainly more videography), sports and music. I will say that video and photography found me. It all started with photography. In my childhood years I hated this profession. People often asked me to take pictures for them and I was also called Mr. Photographer.

I got really pissed off because I didn't like the profession. I was constantly encouraged to do something with it because people saw potential. Finally, at the invitation of a hobbyist of this profession, I went to a photo expo. There I learned about the basic things I should pay attention to in order to take a good picture.

With that information I started to develop myself and in that development phase, came that love for photography. Shortly after that, I came into contact with videography, which I fell incredibly in love with. I can say that the love for videography is bigger than photography. I am proud to say that as one of my hobbies, this profession has grown into a lifestyle of 10 years.

My life quote:
God has reason for the things happening in your life. Trust His divine plan, everything will come together!
- Dwayne Hitzert